About the writer

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I have a beautiful granddaughter who was born with Down syndrome. She has enough challenges to face in her life and I want to make sure that finding appropriately fitting clothes will not be one of them.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My first blog Aug 30, 2010

Welcome to my blog page.  By my postings I hope to keep information about Downs Designs current.  I am the  owner of this brand new company.  I started this business because my granddaughter has Down syndrome and her mother struggles to find clothes that fit her appropriately.  I hope that by the time Maggie cares what she wears, she will have proper fitting clothes that she gets from her grandmother's special clothing line.

I love to write so check in regularly to see the status of Downs Designs.  We expect our first pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt to be available by the end of this year. 
